Gabriella Portik: Narratives of a migration. The migration of Szeklers from the Gheorgheni region to Berveni and later to the Budapest area


Telling stories is the characteristic of mankind. Personal stories play a great role in the analysis of social happenings and phenomena. The history of the individual, collective history and social history are permanently linked and intertwined. Some social phenomena can only be explained by the individuals’ history. The history of those families from Ditrău and Remetea that left their homes in 1941 in the hope of a better life is worth examining from this point of view as well. After the second Vienna Award they packedall their belongings and moved to Berveni. They managed in only three years to establish a special colony and a model farm on the territory left behind by the Romanians. After 1944 however, the Romanian population returned and the Szeklers had to move on to the settlements around Budapest, left behind by the Krauts. Their stories are interestingly created and linked to the phenomena of larger history.


bga szemle

Gyergyóremete Község Önkormányzata

Gyergyóújfalu Község Önkormányzata